2SK2225 is a MOSFET usually used for high-speed switching purposes. It has a break-down voltage and low drive current. The input impedance of this MOSFET is much higher than that of the general transistor. The Drain and Source are connected when a signal is applied to the Gate terminal, as with most of the MOSFETs. It can be used in a variety of real-world applications, such as high-speed switching drivers, switching regulators, relay drivers, switching converters, motor drivers, pulse width modulation, and so on. The maximum drain current is 7 A while the maximum voltage between drain and source is 1500 V. Its channel dissipation is just around 50 W, meaning energy loss is minimum, giving the maximum efficiency output. 2SK2225 has a rise and fall time of 50 nanoseconds each.
- High breakdown voltage (VDSS = 1500 V)
- High-speed switching
- Low drive current
- No Secondary breakdown
- Suitable for switching regulator, DC-DC converter
Manufacturer |
Renesas Electronics |
Technology | Si |
Mounting Style | Through Hole |
Moisture Sensitive | Yes |
Min/Max operating temperature | -55°C to 150°C |
Product Type | MOSFET |
Package | TO-247 |
Unit Weight | 5.500 g |
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